
The purpose of the study was to correlate the playing ability in kho-kho from selected anthropometrical, psychological and physical fitness variables. To achieve the purpose four hundred and thirty five kho-kho players were randomly selected from various clubs in Karnataka state, India and their age ranged from 15 to 18 years. The subjects had past playing experience of at least three years in kho-kho and only those who represented their respective clubs were taken as subjects. As the performance is concerned, the anthropometrical, psychological and physical fitness variables play a vital role in overall performance. The criterion measure of overall playing ability was measured by a panel of experts consisting three persons. They were outstanding players at state level yester years in the game of kho-kho and have been serving as renowned coaches for about a decade. The experts were asked to make a subjective assessment of the overall playing ability of the players using the 10 point scale. The inter – relationship among the selected anthropometrical, psychological and physical variables and kho-kho playing ability, were computed by using Pearson’ product-moment correlation coefficients. The results revealed that an Inter – relationship exists significantly between the anthropometrical, psychological and physical fitness variables among male kho-kho players.

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