The presence of microbiological, heavy metal and physiochemical parameters and its relationship with each others,
were studied at five different Thermal power plant influenced marine zones in Tuticorin during two different seasons. The Temperature, EC, TDS and salinity in monsoon and post monsoon ranged from 29 – 33 and 28 – 31; 29244 – 46842 and 30566 – 54128 μS/cm, 18424 – 29510 and 19257 – 34101 mg/kg and, 19 – 27 and 18 – 32 ppt, respectively. In both seasons, high counts of all bacterial parameters were noticed in Tuticorin Muthu Nagar Beach (S1) due to frequent public visit and dense human populations and illegal settlement activities while less count in Tuticorin saltpan area (S3) due to high saline in nature. The pollution index (PI) ratio were above 1 indicated that these sites were contaminated with human influences. The ranges of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn metals in sea sediment samples at monsoon and post monsoon season were 0.13 – 0.28 and 0.1 – 0.25, 0.08 – 0.2 and 0.08 – 0.15, 0.15 – 0.58 and 0.11 – 0.38, 3268 – 7346 and 2614 – 5876, 0.09 – 0.18 and 0.08 – 0.23, 0.11 – 0.37 and 0.1 – 0.24, and 3.45 – 8.64 and 2.17 – 6.13 mg kg-1, respectively. According to the results of pollution load index (PLI), the stations were slightly polluted with trace metals. Interestingly, high positive correlations were observed between each groups such as physiochemical, heavy metals and bacterial parameters. Mostly, the negative correlation was observed between physiochemcial and microbiological parameters except, PI. This results indicated that the
microbiological parameters were unique and it may change themselves due to the environmental factors and those studied [tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”http://starresearchjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/v6i4p28.pdf” width=”100%” height=”1000px” download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]regions are affected by microbial pollution.
Keywords: Pollution index, Heavy metal pollution, Tuticorin coast, Thermal power plant, Sea sediment.