The reason for the present investigation is to discover the impact of particular yogic practice and naturopathy on chosen stoutness related clutters among the school youngsters. For this reason, forty five fat youngsters (just young ladies) examining in different schools in Pathanamthitta District, Kerala State in the age gathering of 13 – 15 years were chosen. They were isolated into three equivalent gatherings (n = 15), each gathering comprised of fifteen subjects, in which the Group – I experienced yoga practice, Group – II experienced naturopathy treatment and Group – III went about as the Control Group who did not take an interest in any exceptional preparing. The preparation time frame for this examination was five days in seven days for twelve weeks. Earlier and after the preparation time frame the subjects were tried on chosen heftiness related clutters. Level of muscle to fat ratio and Body Mass Index (BMI) were chosen as the rule factors for the present investigation and both were evaluated by Quetelet record and the Deurenberg et al equation individually. The Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was utilized to discover the critical contrast assuming any, among the test gatherings and control bunch on chosen paradigm factors independently. Since there were three gatherings associated with this examination ,the Scheffẻ S test was utilized as pos-hoc test. It was finished up from the consequence of the examination that the protest arranged yoga practice and naturopathy has emphatically changed the rule variable, for example, level of muscle to fat ratio and Body Mass Index.
[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”http://starresearchjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/v6i11p4.pdf” width=”100%” height=”1000px” download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]Keywords: Yoga Practice, Naturopathy, Level Of Muscle Versus Fat, Weight List and ANCOVA.